Christopher Barron


“I love the flexibility of being able to do assignments wherever I please and anytime throughout the day for most classes. There are some courses that I have taken where the assignments are open weeks in advance and allow me to get ahead of the course. This is very beneficial to me because I work over 20 hours a week and have multiple commitments that change frequently.”

“I felt a deep connection to my classmates in my Accounting course because of we had to post weekly on a discussion board for the chapter. We were also assigned to reply to two others in the class. This provided us with back and forth communication that allowed to us to expand upon on our learning of the material. In a few of my courses, my instructor has asked us questions on the discussion board and we were to reply to him. This again made a welcoming online community that I enjoyed greatly.”

“My favorite online assignments were the Accounting Principles discussion boards. I always tried to bring excitement to a frequently bland course. I would provide two vocab words from the chapter and then link two websites that reinforced the words in a new way. I enjoyed bringing smiles to peoples’ faces when they read my posts.”

“Some tips I have are to check Blackboard and your email every day to see if you have received any notifications about assignments and grades. Doing this will make for a solid routine and keep you on track. Also, don’t copy other people’s work. It’s just not cool.”

“I chose Bay because it made sense money wise and because I wasn’t set on what field I was going into yet. I wasn’t ready to leave home yet. I was told that Bay was a great option to start with and provided students with a great education. I really am glad I came here.”
