Water Resource Management
Degree program at Bay College

Why Water Resource Management?
Water is everywhere! The Water Resource Management Program at Bay College is designed for providing specialized training in water and wastewater treatment theory and application to both entry-level personnel and those already in the field. Persons who complete degree requirements and gain appropriate work experience may qualify to progress through certification to the highest grade licensure in municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment. This career has a 100% placement rate with no layoffs! We swim in it, bathe in it, drink it, make a living with it, and over 70 percent of the Earth is covered by it – WATER. Our proximity to the Great Lakes, which contain approximately 18 percent of the world’s fresh water supply and make up the largest system of fresh surface water on earth, makes a career in water a natural choice.
- Average salaries of $52,000-$82,000 with great benefits and the ability to raise your career and salary at a very fast rate
- Can live anywhere in the world
- The job openings to available college graduate ratio is 15 to 1
- On Michigan’s “Hot 50 Jobs” list
- 1 in 5 jobs in Michigan related to water**
Why Bay College?
The Water Resource Management program at Bay College has run for over 50 continuous years and is one of the few programs of its kind in the nation. We have quality instruction from faculty who have work in the water field for over 30 years. Graduates are highly sought after and targeted as desired candidates for employment. There is great opportunity for rapid promotion and job mobility because graduates are in such high demand nationwide. Upon completion of the program, graduates are immediately eligibility to take highest level state certifications, which are accepted across the country. Instructors help students with state exam preparation and practice certification exams. The Water Resource Management 1+1 degree is designed for students who have completed a basic Freshman curriculum in science. It allows students to transfer to Bay College and take specialized courses in Water Technology, and upon graduation, they will receive an Associate in Applied Science in Water Resource Management degree. Graduates are immediately eligible for certification and entrance into the water/wastewater treatment industry.
Bay College proudly offers Bay Flex- a Competency Based Education (CBE) that allows your experience to help you go through your program faster.
Our program is fully recognized by EGLE for licensing credentials and for continuing education credits.
Students transferring their credits to Bay College will complete the general education requirements listed in the transfer guides specific to each community college. The following colleges have transfer guides with Bay College for completion of Water Resource Management 1+1 degree:
- Alpena Community College
- Glen Oaks Community College
- Gogebic Community College
- Grand Rapids Community College
- Kalamazoo Valley Community College
- Kellogg Community College
- Lake Michigan College
- Lansing Community College
- Macomb Community College
- Montcalm Community College
- Muskegon Community College
- North Central Michigan Community College
- St. Clair County Community College
- West Shore Community College
Degree Options
Certificate/Degree | Completion Credits | Contact Hours |
Water Resource Management | 69.00 |
Job Market Outlook
Degrees and Training Online
Would you benefit from your operations being more efficient? If so, let Bay College's certified trainers help you and your staff learn how to better operate and optimize your water and wastewater systems. Bay College has a 50 year track record offering water degree programs along with customized online and on-site training to better prepare operators and managers. Highly skilled, trained operators and supervisors are being sought worldwide.
Troy Gallagher
Office: BHAT 412B
(906) 217-4001
Email Troy
Larry Sundling
Water Lab/Learning Asst
Office: BHAT 407
(906) 217-4002
Email Larry
Student Profile
"I’m hoping to become a water operator. I live in Texas, so hopefully I’ll be able to work at a Texas water plant."
Sydney Gallagher