Savannah Youngs


Savannah Youngs
Major: Computer Information Systems: Software and Network Support
Hometown: Gladstone, MI

Since she started taking classes at Bay College last year, Savannah Youngs has found a lot to like about this college—and has faced her share of challenges. Fortunately, she has been able to overcome these obstacles with the help of the support services Bay provides to its students.

Although Savannah grew up in Gladstone, she graduated from Rapid River Public Schools at the end of the 2022-23 school year. Shortly after graduating, she began studying at Bay during the Fall 2023 semester.

“It’s close to home, and I didn’t have to stay in a dorm, which helped make it cheaper,” Savannah said of her reasons for choosing Bay.

Now that she has completed her first full school year, Savannah has had an opportunity to adjust to college life.

“I’m getting more into the groove of setting up my schedule for completing homework and everything,” she said.

Savannah is going through Bay’s Computer Information Systems: Software and Network Support degree program. She said her interest in this field runs in the family.

“All three of my older brothers are into computers. They didn’t go to college, but they’re very well-versed in technology,” she said.

In fact, she got a head start on her degree in this field while she was still a high school student.

“When I was in high school, I was involved with the Early College program—I took an IT essentials class at the ISD,” Savannah said, noting this class counted toward her degree at Bay.

According to Savannah, most of her classes at Bay have been online so far.

“It’s a bit hard, to be honest, because I’m more of a physical learner. But there’s also a lot of support, both online and through in-person tutoring,” she said.

Savannah has occasionally taken advantage of the tutoring services offered at Bay, and she said this resource has been extremely helpful. She has also greatly enjoyed her one offline class this semester.

“My in-person teacher’s really nice, and helpful, and understanding. He’s very considerate of whether you’re up to speed or not,” she said.

In addition to her classes, Savannah is a member of Bay’s Gaming Galaxy club.

“I’s very fun—I like getting together with people and playing video games,” she said.

As of early 2024, Savannah did not know exactly when she would earn her associate degree.

“I’m just trying to go at a slow and steady pace,” she said.

Once she does get to that point, she hopes to go elsewhere to start working toward a bachelor’s degree—and is strongly considering Northern Michigan University in Marquette for this purpose.

“One of my brothers lives up there, and they have a lot of technology courses if I end up wanting to go in a different direction,” Savannah said.

After college, Savannah would like to find work in a position where she could put her knowledge and skills to use.

“Currently, I’m thinking of either getting a job in tech support or actually fixing computers. I’m very good with having something in front of my face and working on it,” she said.

For the time being, Savannah said she is happy to be a student at Bay.

“It’s been a really great experience. Everything’s really nice—really comforting,” she said.

