Ukiah Penegor


Ukiah Penegor
Major: Psychology
Hometown: Escanaba, MI

Ukiah graduated from Escanaba Senior High School in 2022. After that, she took a semester off before starting college classes at Bay in the winter 2023 semester.

“Living in town was very convenient for me, and I already knew some of the people at Bay. They were able to help me out a lot, especially my co-advisor Jillena Rose,” she said.

Thanks to the assistance she received, her time at Bay went smoothly.

“This community made me feel comfortable, welcome, and supported. It was great to know I could get help with absolutely anything I needed,” Ukiah said.

She was particularly pleased with Bay’s tutoring services and the meals offered through Bay Area Campus Ministry.

As a Bay College student, Ukiah majored in business. However, she decided to switch her major to psychology, as this major seemed like a “perfect fit” for her.

“My family and I have all been diagnosed with ADHD, so the idea of helping other people in similar situations fascinated me,” she said.

According to Ukiah, she may still minor in business. Even if she does not, she plans to put the skills she has learned while studying this field to use in the future.

“My business class helped me understand how to work better in the workplace and things like that. It also helped me develop my communication skills,” she said.

Ukiah said her teachers at Bay were “very wonderful” and were willing to give her the support she needed along the way.

“They helped me out a lot, especially with my ADHD. I was able to get accommodations from them, and they were very understanding,” she said.

In addition to attending classes and getting support services, Ukiah was a member of Bay’s Gaming Galaxy club.

“It was a lot of fun – the club director made everybody feel included,” she said.

Having completed her first semester at Bay in May 2023, Ukiah plans to transfer to Northern Michigan University in Marquette before eventually moving on to grad school. She said her decision to transfer at this point was partially motivated by her desire to continue her studies in a larger community.

Still, she strongly recommends Bay College to anyone beginning their higher-education journey.

“I would definitely think about making Bay your first choice if you want to go to a community college. The classes are small, you get more one-on-one time with teachers, and they’re very good at accommodating students if you need extra support,” Ukiah said.
